Don’t style :checked and :focus states identically – here’s why

I often encounter web forms designs where native checkboxes are completely restyled to not look like native checkboxes. It’s OK to do so, as long as all their inherent features are preserved. Here’s one that is too often compromised by a hasty redesign. Continue reading Don’t style :checked and :focus states identically – here’s why

Facebook to auto-caption video ads: great! But, really?

Access iQ published “Video advertisements on Facebook to be auto-captioned” lately, and the title caught me. Auto-captioning is a technical challenge that could change lives of millions of people barred from the video side of the Web.  Continue reading Facebook to auto-caption video ads: great! But, really?

Little action, great effects: improving a CSS-based tooltip in 18 seconds.

Reading this blog post about designing fancy tooltips with CSS3 tricks, I did my usual first-step test: hit the tab key and see what happens. Disappointingly, and yet expectedly (I’ve been in this business for too long, it seems…): nothing happened, apparently, when I reached the first icon

. Continue reading Little action, great effects: improving a CSS-based tooltip in 18 seconds.